Παρασκευή 1 Μαρτίου 2013

Stop Killing & poaching tigers in India for their skin!

►PET.2 http://www.thepetitionsite.com/727/269/524/save-the-wetlands-of-north-bengal/

►PET.3 https://www.change.org/petitions/stop-killing-of-tigers-and-leopards-in-india

►PET.4 http://www.thepetitionsite.com/982/645/045/stop-tiger-poaching-in-india/

►PET.5 http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/tigeraid_petition1/

►PET.6 http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/savethesumatrantiger

►PET.7 http://www.change.org/petitions/minister-of-forestry-zulkifli-hasan-stop-tiger-factories-please-no-legal-tiger-breeding-for-pets

►PET. 8 http://www.petitiononline.com/saveking/petition.html

1900 – 100,000 exist
1950 – 40,000
2007 – less than 5,000 survive; 2,500 in India, IUCN status ‘Endangered’
2010 (Year of the Tiger) – only 3,500 remain in the wild globally (1,400 in India)
Tigers are a conservation dependent species, requiring large contiguous forests with access to water and undisturbed core areas in which to breed. Tiger range throughout India, Indochina, and Southeast Asia is now 40 percent smaller than it was in 1951, and today tigers occupy a mere 7 percent of their historical territory in increasingly fragmented and degraded landscapes. Amidst this, the threats are mounting.
The main threats to wild tigers include: habitat loss and fragmentation due to mining, logging, farming and human settlement; depletion of their prey base; conflict with humans; and poaching for their skins, and other parts for Traditional Asian Medicines, such as bone.

-Latest figures show there may only be 400 Sumatran tigers left in the world. Unless we take action now we could lose these magnificent animals forever.

Tiger skins are still in demand as luxury items in some countries, and tiger parts coveted for their ‘medicinal’ properties.
The tigers’ forest habitat is vanishing too. Destruction of forests for timber, agriculture and road building has forced tigers into ever-smaller areas, where they’re even more vulnerable to poachers.
Poachers also hunt the tiger’s prey species, and tigers are forced to target domestic animals, bringing them into fatal conflict with local people.
►►PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO ! http://youtu.be/VlcGI_J7Jho

►►LATEST UPDATE :Tiger smuggling ring busted in Nepal ....
Nepalese police have arrested 7 people involved with tiger smuggling in the country and recovered 7 tiger skins, hundreds of tiger parts and bones. Two operations were undertaken by the Nepalese authorities following specialist intelligence training by Interpol in December.
The first operation was on 11 January. Officers of Manaslu Conservation Area seized four tiger skins, 53 kg of tiger bones and arrested four people who were allegedly trying to smuggle the tiger parts into Tibet, China. The following day, police conducting road checks near the Chinese border seized 5 tiger skins and 114 kg of tiger bones that were concealed in bags of rice in a van also heading to China. Here the picture:http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/408499_466351453422681_777225923_n.jpg

Investigations into the ring which is involved with smuggling tiger parts into China is ongoing.
►Source http://wildlifenews.co.uk/2013/tiger-smuggling-ring-busted-in-nepal/




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