Δευτέρα 7 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Really important/Against animal cruelty!!

I do post a lot of stuff about animals over here & even if the picture below is violent & really makes me sad,that's how it is...So before you go buy your fancy leather jackets/shoes of fur jackets etc. think about it twice.....

Most people think that supporting the animal rights via your eating habbits or whatever is a 'trend' or worse something stupid..
You know why is that?!It's because people don't have the nerve to acknowledge themselves by searching about the simplest things..And even worse,they don't even CARE to find out how those lill creatures 'live'...
Believe me,the chicken(and every other animal ofc) on your plate wasn't a happy living one!It's a being that leaved a life throughn violece & pain..Just like the fur & the leather on your clothing items & accesories!
Long story sort,this post isn't about how you all 'have' to turn into vegans & vegetarians or smth!The bottom line is,search about what happens to those lovely creatures & decide what to do on your own!

p.s.:Sorry for the violent picture but some people need to see violence to understand that THIS is WRONG!

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